Treasure Àbìkè!

There’s a common misconception that winter hats are more suited to guys because of their shape, which can often detract from a cute look, either by hiding the face or hair. However, there’s a new brand taking the streets that is both cozy and feminine.

Àbìkè Adèlomo is the beautifully flamboyant brainchild of Designer Lewa, whose ruched mink wide brim hats adorn heads and amplify the face. These soft and fluffy mink and sherpa hats come in a range of colours from monochrome to striped orange and blue. The brilliant thing about the design is that they fit a number of head sizes, which means they’re also appropriate for ladies with faux locs or braids!

It takes a confident person to really pull off an Àbìkè and although modelled by Lewa, I actually believe them to be unisex. Due to its undulating shape, Lewa’s design style is one of the most unique I’ve seen in headwear in a while, and personally I’d love her to have a collab; perhaps with UGG. With these crown-like pieces, Àbìkè is truly the treasure of accessories.