On a quest to quench my sadness for missing yet another Paris Fashion Week, I decided to go on a hunt for more brands, and to my surprise I came across what is now one of my favourite Parisian brands. Egon Lab is a tailoring dream for those that appreciate brilliant structure and form.

Owned by Florentin Glémarec and Kevin Nompeix; The French brand has recently introduced an onslaught of beautifully constructed garments for their AW/21 collection. Egon Lab use utilitarian style as their reference point and weave it into everyday garments; their bomber jackets, shirts and trench coats are great examples of this.

When it comes to tailoring, Egon Lab feels no pressure to conform. Opting for feminine touches which soften the creations. The use of flared suit trousers, hot pink, and even translucent materials, and dainty prints are just some of the ways the brand achieves gender neutrality.

Another element that adds to the brands coolness would be the references to the Punk era, evident in pieces such as the studded denim jacket, graphic print tees, and the jewelled claws complete with Swarovski crystals and precious stones. To put it bluntly, some of the best creations I’ve stumbled across have been cooked up at Egon Lab and it’s consistency has kept me hooked ever since.