There are certain designs you see that captivate your mind and you start yearning to see it in real life. These are the game changers, the ones that once worn, evolve your entire personality and acts as a catalyst for a change of style. With the current resurgence of punk and often dubbed “alternative fashion”, there are brands that absolutely dominate this aesthetic. One such brand is No Faith Studios.

The European brand has maintained its unique take on denim and leather creations. Giving us collections that are audacious and captivating. No Faith Studios rustic hand sanded leather looks are a thing of beauty; adorned with zips and layered curves, each piece is equally dramatic.

It’s clear that creative director Luis Dobbelgarten understands quality and proportions. His precise structure of garments is evident in their flared jeans, and draped denim dresses. There’s something medieval-like about No Faith, whether it’s the enlarged hoods that add an air of mystique or the armour like leather jackets, it’s definitely appropriate for a fashion war.

Dobbelgartens designs are steered towards fashion afficionados, as it takes a person with a strong sense of style to don these looks which are clearly in a league of their own. Whilst the pieces are sure to attain virality given the current thirst for an anarchic style of fashion, they also have longevity due to the quality of designs and the use of materials that transcend seasons. I have every faith that we’ll be seeing more from this brand in the years to come.